Our Programming Highlights
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At the OSEG Foundation, we know the important role that sports can play in the lives of children and youth. It’s what motivates us to remove barriers and create opportunities so all kids in our community have the opportunity to play, learn, and develop through sports. Far too many children and youth in Ottawa do not benefit from sports and miss out on learning valuable life lessons that sports teach. There are numerous barriers that limit their involvement in sports, including financial, health-related, gender or cultural. Together with our community partners, we strive to eliminate these barriers so that the children and youth in Ottawa can experience the power of sports to excel and achieve their full potential.

Prior to 2019, when the OSEG Foundation partnered with Blind Hockey Canada, there were no formal programs in the capital region to give blind and partially sighted youth the opportunity to try and play hockey. Currently, over 25 youth participate in the program and Try It Sessions, positively building their confidence, and physical, emotional and mental health.

Team Up Camp

In partnership with the National Capital Amateur Football Association (NCAFA), the OSEG Foundation provides opportunities for girls and youth with financial barriers to play football and funding to support clubs’ return to play in priority communities. More than 2,800 boys and girls across the region returned to play a modified season of football with NCAFA in 2021.