Equity Through Diverse Impact gRANT

The OSEG Foundation Equity through Diverse Impact (EDI) Grant funding is dedicated to supporting organizations that align with our mission of using the power of sport as a catalyst for social change to improve the lives of children and youth facing barriers to sports and recreation programs.
Organizations that are successful in receiving the EDI Grant will use the funding to enhance their youth programs to foster greater inclusion, access, and opportunity to sport and recreation. Eligible organizations must serve underrepresented communities and groups that may face systemic barriers.

NEW FOR 2025!
For 2025, the EDI Grant will provide $25,000 to up to two (2) organizations using the power of sport to remove barriers and increase opportunities for girls and gender-diverse youth. Successful organizations will use the funding to initiate and launch a new program focused on increasing participation of girls and gender-diverse youth in positive youth development sport programs.
OSEG Foundation reviews applications to ensure the correct organizational information and to ensure applications meet the grant eligibility criteria, as stated below.
OSEG Foundation grants funds to applicants that are qualified donees (as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency), including:
✓ A registered charity
✓ A National amateur athletic association with programming in the Ottawa region within 100km of the National Capital Region
✓ Ottawa based housing corporations
✓ Metis, Inuit or First Nation community/Band or organizations
Eligible programs/initiatives must meet the following requirements:
✓ Include equitable, diverse, and inclusive practices within the organization and program.
✓ Implement consistent, intentional programming for girls and gender-diverse youth ages 6 – 24 years old.
✓ Priority will be given to initiatives that serve one or more of the following:
o BIPOC youth
o Low-income communities
o Youth with disabilities
o 2SLGBTQ+ youth
o Indigenous, Metis, or Inuit youth
o Newcomer youth
✓ Proposals that incorporate sport and physical activity to teach and develop life skills and follow the positive youth development framework with intended program outcomes.
Organizations that are not eligible to receive the OSEG Foundation EDI Grant are:
✓ Organizations that are not designated by the Canada Revenue Agency as being a Qualified Donee
✓ Organizations based outside 100km of Ottawa Capital Region
✓ Initiatives that do not focus on positive youth development through sport, for girls and gender-diverse youth ages to 6 – 24 years old
✓ Initiatives that do not prioritize marginalized communities, including BIPOC, low-income communities, youth with disabilities, 2SLGBTQ+, Indigenous, Metis or Inuit youth, or newcomer youth
✓ Organizations looking for funding for capital campaigns
✓ Religious, political organizations, or special interest groups
✓ Organizations using grant for annual operating funds, unless directly linked to EDI focus and success of the proposed project
✓ For-profit organizations
✓ Sports teams (professional and/or amateur sport organizations are not listed as qualified donees as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency, therefore not eligible for funding)
✓ Individuals
Congratulations to the 2024 EDI Grant recipients.
Ausome Ottawa
Banff Avenue Community House
Britannia Woods Community House
Christie Lake Kids
Confederation Court
Debra Dynes Family House
Lowertown Community Resources Centre (CRCBV)
Odawa Native Friendship Centre
Ontario Blind Golf
Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre
Queen Mary Street Public School
The Caldwell Family Centre
Therapeutic Riding Association of Ottawa-Carleton
Trips for Kids Ottawa
Winthrop Court Community House
Youth Services Bureau Foundation
The OSEG Foundation is proud to support organizations furthering equity, diversity, and inclusivity in youth sport and recreation. Initiatives address gender equity, access to sports programming in priority communities, and inclusive experiences for 2SLGBTQ+ youth and youth with disabilities.
jANUARY 13, 2025
Applications Open
February 28, 2025
Applications Close
March, 2025
Need more info?
contact us
For more information, please contact Kim McLean, Senior Manager – Community Impact and Engagement at [email protected]
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2023 EDI Grant recipients
The OSEG Foundation is proud to support organizations furthering equity, diversity, and inclusivity in youth sport and recreation.
- Ausome Ottawa
- Banff Avenue Community House
- Britannia Woods Community House
- Camp Misquah
- Christie Lake Kids
- Confederation Court Community House
- Centre De Ressources Communautaires De La Basse-Ville - Lowertown Community Resource Centre
- Debra Dynes Community House
- Nepean, Rideau, Osgoode Community Resource Centre
- Pinecrest-Queensway Community Resource Centre
- Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre
- Social Planning Council of Ottawa
- Ten Oaks Project
- The Door Youth Centre
- Youth Ottawa
* Projects include initiatives to address gender equity, access to sports programming in priority communities, and inclusive experiences for 2SLGBTQ+ youth and youth with disabilities.